Friday, June 20, 2014

Heathers thoughts

I am now in San Cristobal staying at a beautiful hotel.   We stayed in La Ceiba for about 6 days.  Over the last 6 days it was an experience that was life changing for me.  Words will not be able to describe what I experienced.  I bonded with the children, mothers, and fathers in that community.  It was a culture shock for me and there was nothing I could of done to prepare myself.  We all worked so hard with the men and women to start building a new temple (church).  Those men work so hard and for the tools that we have in the states these guys would kill for them.  I often think it would be so nice if we could bring them some other tools rather than just a shovel and a pick but after my 6th day I realized they are happy with what they have and wouldnt change anything.  To see people so content and happy and making the best out of life with what they have has put so much in perspective for me.  The children do not have technology and often times do not get to go to school.  We brought coloring books and crayons for them and to see how happy and greatful they were to color brought tears to my eyes.  How lucky our kids have it in the states and how we have failed to show them that life is not about material things .  The kids play outside all day and have very creative ideas.  As i took a walk i was able to observe kids using a CD to play frisbee.  Could you imagine our kids doing that?  I was touched by a kid name Hoover.  I miss him and wish I could go  back and see his smile.  I will post photos when I get a chance to you could see the joy and happiness in their eyes.

I havent been feeling to great today but really wanted to share a few thoughts.  I never imagined how thankful I would be too have a warm shower.  To be continued.....Thank you Lord for this opportunity and lessons you have taught me.
Children of LA Ceiba coloring during children's time

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