Friday, June 20, 2014

Decompressing....Literally! (Rogelio aka Reg lives)

I never would have imagined being blessed with the opportunity to be able to have an experience like I am having on this trip.   It is truly an emotional roller coaster and for those of us who were courageous enough to trade in the luxury of pave roads for a ride on the Chuck Express will probably never ever ever take for granted the beautiful asphalt of the I-25 corridor.

After spending several days being disconnected from technology and completely immersed in trying to build authentic relationships through the ministry of presence I am left with more thoughts about what it means to build community than expected.   It is definitely going to take me weeks if not longer to unpack all that I have experienced.   From watching children play in the streets, climbing mango trees 25 feet high with no support or in my wandering moments stumbling upon a house with very limited furnishing except for a big screen television where a whole cul-de-sac was gathered around watching the World Cup in Brazil.

Today, I know without a doubt that mountains can be moved.   You just need Faith, a pair of shovels, a digging stick, a couple of people who have not been conditioned by the impossible and one Big Mike who believes that he is the Incredible Hulk.  

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