Sunday, February 17, 2013

Preparing for Chiapas 2013

Today, as Chris and I drove to church, we realized that by next Sunday, we will be in the village of Chacacal worshiping with the Pastor Mario and the church. We decided that we were excited and unprepared. We have a thousand things to do before our plane leaves next Saturday.

We invite you to begin praying for our team.

  • ·         Chuck and Ramona Shawver, ABC-IM missionaries
  • ·         Eleazar, the leader of the Economic Development Project in Chacacal
  • ·         Pastor Mario
  • ·         Alan Bowie
  • ·         Michael Buckles
  • ·         Michael Capshaw
  • ·         Chris Oldham
  • ·         Mike Oldham

We invite you to pray for us as we prepare physically, emotionally and spiritually to journey to Chiapas.

Mike Oldham

Drawing for first animals (Pastor Mario in green shirt)
Eleazar on the left, Economic Development Project
Project supplies being unloaded

Supplies being unloaded

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